The Family Achievement Program (FAP) hosted an outing for families at Women Giving Back, an organization that supports women and children in crisis by providing quality clothing at no cost. The FAP team provided transportation to 26 mothers, three children, and a two-week-old infant to Women Giving Back’s facility in Loudoun County, where the mothers were able to select items of clothing, shoes, purses, and jewelry for themselves and their families.

According to Gina Macanlalay, FAP Director, the women on the trip are extremely grateful for the opportunity to receive the clothing and shoes for their families. “Last year, one mom was so happy to find snow outfits for her two children. She said not having to purchase them herself would make an enormous difference for her family,” Gina said. The FAP team held a similar trip last year and is planning another for this fall.
The Family Achievement Program is designed to assist families in reaching their goals of self-sufficiency and independence. Families are provided with a FAP Coach who works one-on-one with families to identify and achieve their personal financial, educational, and professional goals. Together with a network of local community-based organizations and county agencies, FAP connects families with the resources and opportunity they need to accomplish those goals.