MEMORIAL DAY: United Community is closed on May 30th, 2022

Community Spotlight

“Whats happening in your community?”

Taxes Made Easy

United Community’s COMMUN1TY+ and Opportunity Neighborhood Mount Vernon have partnered with AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Service and Fairfax County’s Neighborhood and Community Services (NCS) to provide free tax filing assistance. AARP’s highly trained tax experts work one-on-one with clients to ensure they get the refunds, Child Tax Credits (CTC), and Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) they’re eligible for. 

Five of the tax assisters, wearing face masks, but smiling behind them, as they pose together.

Thus far, over 33 community members have already been helped and we’re excited for how many might be helped over the next six weeks. We’ve already seen people brand new to the country filing their taxes here for the first time. For others, past mistakes have been caught and corrected by the tax experts to ensure full refunds. One woman who recently sought help has an additional $25,000 coming her way. A mother of three described the experience as, “So easy!”. Her questions were answered, everyone was approachable, and she highly recommends anyone who needs help to come for guidance. 

A huge thank you to The Community Foundation for Northern Virginia for their generous grant in November 2021, which has allowed this work to happen. Their support has helped us ensure as many families as possible receive the full CTC and EITC. Another thank you goes to AARP’s expert volunteers and NCS for providing a space within walking distance from the neighborhoods we already serve through weekly food donations and Community Centers. We are only able to provide these key resources with the support of incredible organizations like these.

If you or anyone you know needs assistance with their tax filings, please join us or tell them to join us at the Lee District Community Center every Monday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm until April 18th, 2022.



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*Site translation is completed through Google translate and may not be completely accurate.

Young student holding a thank you sign

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